Monday, March 16, 2009


Our son came into our bedroom the other morning and crawled under the covers with his daddy (i was in the shower): "Phew daddy, it stinks under here. i think the covers pooped on you."

Today he had a dentist appointment and did not want to go. I told him he would be fine and that we would go get ice cream afterward. The hygienist called him back and the first thing he said was, "I'm a little nervous today, but I'm going to be brave." It was so sweet. They told me I could go into the room with him after he got x-rays done so I was waiting in the "consult area". It had been about 8 minutes and I looked through the window and I could see that they had already put him in a room. I saw his little green and blue rain boots laying down on the dental chair. Every once in a while he would sit up and look around then lay back down. He looked like such a big boy in there all alone. It was sweet, yet sad. He's getting so big and doing more and more things independently. When he was all done (an hour later) he said that he was brave but lonely. I asked him why and he told me, "it took the doctor a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time to come in and see me." All in all it was a good appointment with no cavities.


  1. oh my, that is so funny! He sounds so cute!

  2. awwww. he must not have any of my genes since I love to go to the dentist.
    wow, an hour at the dentist, that's a long time. yay for no cavities and ice cream
