Monday, March 23, 2009

What if I poop Jesus out?

Yep, that was what my son asked me in the bathroom last night. It never ceases to amaze me the way his little mind works. We've told him that Jesus can live in your heart and we've read books about Jesus being inside you, so he must have put two and two together and thought that if you pushed hard enough, you can poop him out. Thank goodness it doesn't work that way. I told him, "no, once Jesus is in your heart, he is there to stay."
It's a tough thing teaching him about Jesus and being a christian at such a young age. I know this will sound weird, but I don't want him to get "saved" at young age. I'm afraid he'll have a false sense of security if he does. I thought I accepted Jesus as my savior July 1993 (I would've been a freshman in HS). But I asked Him into my heart twice before that also. I grew up in a christian home so I always knew what to do and I think that's why I did it. It was what I was supposed to do. I remember the first time, it was because my sister was wanting to get saved. The second time it was because the sermon was just preached on hell and I was scared to death and didn't want to go there. The third time was at summer camp where emotions run high and that's all it was. It wasn't until 1997 that I know without a doubt that if I died, I would go to heaven. There was no one around and I was driving in my car and just went through an intersection. I knew then and there that I needed Jesus. I just don't want my children to second guess their salvation like I always did. While it would be wonderful to be able to say that my son asked Jesus into his heart when he was 5, I would have a hard time believing that he knew and understood what he was doing. That's just me. I'm sure many people who get saved at a young age are truly saved. I'm just saying what I prefer for my children. I can only pray and teach him about Jesus and hope that when the time is right that he will ask Jesus into his heart.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scrappy Diamonds

Here's the top of a quilt I'm making for a friends little boy. It's pretty big for a baby quilt, but maybe they can use it as a lap quilt when baby is too big. I really like how it turned out.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Our son came into our bedroom the other morning and crawled under the covers with his daddy (i was in the shower): "Phew daddy, it stinks under here. i think the covers pooped on you."

Today he had a dentist appointment and did not want to go. I told him he would be fine and that we would go get ice cream afterward. The hygienist called him back and the first thing he said was, "I'm a little nervous today, but I'm going to be brave." It was so sweet. They told me I could go into the room with him after he got x-rays done so I was waiting in the "consult area". It had been about 8 minutes and I looked through the window and I could see that they had already put him in a room. I saw his little green and blue rain boots laying down on the dental chair. Every once in a while he would sit up and look around then lay back down. He looked like such a big boy in there all alone. It was sweet, yet sad. He's getting so big and doing more and more things independently. When he was all done (an hour later) he said that he was brave but lonely. I asked him why and he told me, "it took the doctor a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time to come in and see me." All in all it was a good appointment with no cavities.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Entrepreneur's Wife

Being the wife of a small business owner is tough sometimes. This week has been one of those weeks. Don't get me wrong, we are provided for. Our bills are paid, food is on the table, and we have a place to sleep. It's just that I think people think we are doing well financially when they don't realize that a lot of the money we make, goes back into the company. That's what happens when you are trying to start a business. I know it's only for a moment, but I feel bad for my husband. He works all day on the paying jobs that his company has, spends time with the family, and then from 10pm till ??? he's working on other projects unpaid that need to be launched soon. And so it all begins at 7:30am the next morning, over and over and over. I feel that he's unappreciated. Not by his business partners, but by the clients and investors. No one realizes how much time he puts into a project or job. He's a perfectionist. He wants it to be perfect and will work till it's perfect and not take shortcuts. The end result is quality. If only they understood. Someday it will all be worth it, but going through it is hard. I wrote him a note to encourage him the other night. I think it meant a lot to him. I believe in him and I think that's the most important thing to him right now. It's just hard to stand by and see people treat him the way they do.

Friday, February 27, 2009

First Red Quilt

I've always wanted to make a red quilt. I love the color red and finally did it. I'm on a private message board from when I was pregnant with Q. I've known these ladies over 5 years now and 2 other ladies and I have taken to making quilts as one of our members has a baby. I was in the lead on this one so I picked the fabric out and then mailed out what they would need. They made however many blocks I told them to and mailed it back. I put it together and viola, a beautiful baby quilt. I really wanted to make this gal a pink and brown quilt, but after searching high and low, I was never able to locate pink and brown fabric. I was disappointed, but as I was laying in bed one night the idea of a red quilt came to mind because the baby was born in December and I thought this pattern reminded me of a candy cane without getting Christmas fabric. I love how it turned out. This was one of my most challenging quilts so far in terms of piecing the rows together. The seams had to line up perfectly or else the diagonals would be off. This is just the top. I still have to quilt and bind it. I was just so excited how well it turned out I had to share with someone.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


My husband just ordered a new computer yesterday. His business partner, Josh was in need of a new one also so they went to the Apple store and walked away with 2 computers on order that should arrive next Thursday. Yay! Thank goodness Mindbox Studios is picking up half the tab and then we just have to pay the other half on a monthly plan. Chris reassured me that the money will be there to do that. It's hard owning your own business. There are things that are needed to make the business run more productively and smoothly, but first you have to sell jobs, finish the jobs, get paid for the jobs, and then buy those things. Right now Mindbox is doing good despite the apparent recession we're in. Praise God for that.
We had dinner last night with Josh and his family. They are the ones that have a 2 year old with cancer. What a blessing she is. So sweet and loving. She was excited to see and play with Quinn. She has lost all her hair and I was wondering how Quinn would react or if he would say anything. He didn't. It just goes to show that among kids, looks don't matter. They'll be your friend no matter color, ethnicity, hair or no hair. I was proud of him. I was finally able to meet their new addition, Kacie. Cute as a button. Keira is on week 5 of 42 weeks of chemo. Already the bump on her arm where the cancer is, is shrinking. Praise God. One specific thing they said to pray about (among many) was that as the cancer shrinks, it shrinks away from the artery that it is lying on. At week 12 they are supposed to go in and see if they can remove it yet. So if you're the praying type, please send one up for this family.
Tonight is chili night. I'm cold. I can't seem to keep warm at all today and I'm even wearing my long johns underneath my clothes. Quinn wants to play outside so badly. He cried when I made him come in. So sad. I can't wait for warmer weather and neither can he.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Misc. Pictures

I don't have a whole lot to say, so we'll let the pictures speak the words.

Q loves to play monopoly. He usually wins too.

She loves her horse and blanket.

This little girl climbs everything. Anything that can be stood upon she does. I have to keep my eye on her constantly. She wears me out. ;)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stinky Quinn

We were sitting down watching a movie with Q before bed. Here's the conversation:
Chris: did you toot?
Quinn: daddy, everybody does that. sometimes I do it at school, but nobody knows.
If they stink at school, like they do at home, I'm sure someone knows.

Today we had a play date with one of his friends from school. The plan was to go to the YMCA for open gym. The gym was closed for painting. Then we decided to go to the library. Our library has an awesome play area for kids where they can run around and play and they don't have to be silent. Once there we decided that probably not the best place in the world since the boys were so excited to hang out and by now it was nearly lunchtime. We ended up at McD's for some lunch and running around. The mom and I enjoyed ourselves while the kiddos played. It was nice to get out and hang with someone new. She's really nice and we plan to get together again.

I enjoyed our 60 degree weather today. It's a shame it has to end.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Yesterday after school one of Quinn's friends invited us to go to the YMCA with them next Wednesday. Of course we said yes. When we got home, there was an invitation to another one of his friends birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. Quinn's response, "I can't believe how much stuff I have to do next week."

We went down to visit my best friend and her kiddos last month. We were just staying for the afternoon. We walk in and the first thing Q says, "I'm here and we're going to stay for the whole week."

Today the 5th graders came down to the pre-k class to help them make some valentine bracelets. Quinn said, "they were giants. I can't wait till I'm in 5th grade and I'm a giant."

Monday, February 2, 2009

Birthday Party #2

Party #2 is over and done. It was fun, but parties both weekends is a lot. I'm just glad they were small and not stressful. Eva did much better this week with her cake. She really dug into it.

Her favorite gift was this rocking chair from my dad, mom, and brother Jason. She sat in it all evening. When she got up in the morning, the first thing she did was sit on it. When she got home from church, the first thing she went for was her rocking chair. She's so cute in it.

Just a picture of brother and sister.

So Quinn has a girlfriend at school. The teacher told me today that they sit beside each other during their morning time and they are always talking and touching and so on. Quinn tells me that "Darcy hugs me everyday. I just stand there with my arms at my side though." Friday, he got a kiss from her. They're too funny.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My baby is 1!!!

A year ago today our little Eva came into our lives weighing in at 6lbs 14oz at 5:37am. She is such a sweet girl who loves to cuddle. It's been a whrilwind of a year. It has gone so fast. I remember Quinn's first year seeming like it took forever, not this time. Happy Birthday baby girl. I love you!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


i'm working on 2 new quilts and just finished making q a no sew fleece blanket. i'm a busy little seamstress right now. i can't wait to see how these quilts come out.
the red with white polka dots is a minkee type fabric for the back. it will be so warm and cuddly.

i love the fabrics i picked for this quilt.

Friday, January 16, 2009


i'm sick. i'm lacking sleep. i'm grouchy and cynical.
why do i feel bad when i don't call "old" friends, yet i know the phone works both ways. sometimes i don't call just to see how long it will take for them to call me....i think i might be waiting a while.
i know this sounds very juvenile. i warned you with my first 3 sentences.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Little Caesars Pizza

I can still hear the commercial with the Little Caesar guys saying, "pizza pizza." Our town finally got a Little Caesars Pizza shop. I'm excited because I love theirpizza. You can't beat their fresh and ready $5 pizza. Hmmm, maybe for Eva's birthday party, we'll have pizza.
More snow is falling. Yuck.
Our friends had their baby girl yesterday. I get to go see her today. I made a quilt for the new baby and then a matching quilt for the big sister's dolls. I can't wait to give it to her. If you are the praying type, please say a prayer for this family. The big sister was just diagnosed with a rare muscle cancer in her arm. She's 2.5 years old. The good news is that after multiple tests, the cancer is only in her arm in the one spot. She has already started chemo and hopefully at week 12 they will be able to remove the tumor.

Monday, January 12, 2009

1st Snow

We had our first big snow over the weekend. Funny how as a kid I loved the snow. Not so much any more. Quinn loves the snow and loves riding his 4 wheeler in it. This was Eva's first snow and I don't think she was too thrilled. I know, she has blue on, but I wasn't about to buy another snow outfit just so it could be pink. At least she has her pink hat on.
Just a sidenote: is there an easier way to post pics and get them lined up on here. it took me too long to arrange 3 pictures. any advice?

Our snowman/blob has a celery nose and dead hydrenga flower eyes.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here I Am

Here I am. Another Journalspace transplant. I didn't write a whole lot over there. Just the mundane funny things my kids say or do. I only started that blog because my sister talked me into it. She didn't talk me into it this time. I guess I sort of missed having a place to write my thoughts out. I don't get deep or anything. I save that for my best friends and sisters. You will most likely find me writing about quilting, Quinnisms or baby girl. Quinnisms are the funny things Quinn (my 4 year old) likes to say. I was pleiades over on JS, so I got creative like my sister (forest3) and I am now pleiades2. I hope I learn to like it over here. As of right now I really don't like how it's set up but I'm sure there are positives to it...somewhere.