Friday, February 6, 2009


Yesterday after school one of Quinn's friends invited us to go to the YMCA with them next Wednesday. Of course we said yes. When we got home, there was an invitation to another one of his friends birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. Quinn's response, "I can't believe how much stuff I have to do next week."

We went down to visit my best friend and her kiddos last month. We were just staying for the afternoon. We walk in and the first thing Q says, "I'm here and we're going to stay for the whole week."

Today the 5th graders came down to the pre-k class to help them make some valentine bracelets. Quinn said, "they were giants. I can't wait till I'm in 5th grade and I'm a giant."


  1. I love the things kids say, they are so cute! My nephew (he's 3), when he does something wrong and my sister tells him, he turns to her and says "I'm so sorry mom". So cute!

  2. he is sooo funny. I can totally hear him saying that.
    I'll be getting him a day planner for "all the stuff he has to do"

    giants! ha!
