Friday, February 27, 2009

First Red Quilt

I've always wanted to make a red quilt. I love the color red and finally did it. I'm on a private message board from when I was pregnant with Q. I've known these ladies over 5 years now and 2 other ladies and I have taken to making quilts as one of our members has a baby. I was in the lead on this one so I picked the fabric out and then mailed out what they would need. They made however many blocks I told them to and mailed it back. I put it together and viola, a beautiful baby quilt. I really wanted to make this gal a pink and brown quilt, but after searching high and low, I was never able to locate pink and brown fabric. I was disappointed, but as I was laying in bed one night the idea of a red quilt came to mind because the baby was born in December and I thought this pattern reminded me of a candy cane without getting Christmas fabric. I love how it turned out. This was one of my most challenging quilts so far in terms of piecing the rows together. The seams had to line up perfectly or else the diagonals would be off. This is just the top. I still have to quilt and bind it. I was just so excited how well it turned out I had to share with someone.

1 comment:

  1. this is really nice.
    I haven't started my quilting classes... :( she's so busy, I don't want to bug her.
    i think I'll just give you my fat quarters and you can make a quilt for eva or something with them.
