Monday, February 2, 2009

Birthday Party #2

Party #2 is over and done. It was fun, but parties both weekends is a lot. I'm just glad they were small and not stressful. Eva did much better this week with her cake. She really dug into it.

Her favorite gift was this rocking chair from my dad, mom, and brother Jason. She sat in it all evening. When she got up in the morning, the first thing she did was sit on it. When she got home from church, the first thing she went for was her rocking chair. She's so cute in it.

Just a picture of brother and sister.

So Quinn has a girlfriend at school. The teacher told me today that they sit beside each other during their morning time and they are always talking and touching and so on. Quinn tells me that "Darcy hugs me everyday. I just stand there with my arms at my side though." Friday, he got a kiss from her. They're too funny.


  1. that was funny how she kept sitting in her rocker.
    her coat is so cute.
    how long did mom and dad stay?

    send me some pictures. Mine didn't turn out.
