Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stinky Quinn

We were sitting down watching a movie with Q before bed. Here's the conversation:
Chris: did you toot?
Quinn: daddy, everybody does that. sometimes I do it at school, but nobody knows.
If they stink at school, like they do at home, I'm sure someone knows.

Today we had a play date with one of his friends from school. The plan was to go to the YMCA for open gym. The gym was closed for painting. Then we decided to go to the library. Our library has an awesome play area for kids where they can run around and play and they don't have to be silent. Once there we decided that probably not the best place in the world since the boys were so excited to hang out and by now it was nearly lunchtime. We ended up at McD's for some lunch and running around. The mom and I enjoyed ourselves while the kiddos played. It was nice to get out and hang with someone new. She's really nice and we plan to get together again.

I enjoyed our 60 degree weather today. It's a shame it has to end.

1 comment:

  1. glad you found another adult to converse with... and for quinn to have another friend.
