Friday, January 16, 2009


i'm sick. i'm lacking sleep. i'm grouchy and cynical.
why do i feel bad when i don't call "old" friends, yet i know the phone works both ways. sometimes i don't call just to see how long it will take for them to call me....i think i might be waiting a while.
i know this sounds very juvenile. i warned you with my first 3 sentences.


  1. I usually always wait for people to call me because I hate to bother people. I do, however, feel awful when I don't reply to people's emails in a timely fashion.

  2. I call old friends every few months, then twice a year we try to do coffee.
    Hope you're feeling better soon. (when I'm grouchy I tend to shoe shop...)

  3. hope you feel better and hope the kids feel better too.
    what friend(s) you talking about?
