Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here I Am

Here I am. Another Journalspace transplant. I didn't write a whole lot over there. Just the mundane funny things my kids say or do. I only started that blog because my sister talked me into it. She didn't talk me into it this time. I guess I sort of missed having a place to write my thoughts out. I don't get deep or anything. I save that for my best friends and sisters. You will most likely find me writing about quilting, Quinnisms or baby girl. Quinnisms are the funny things Quinn (my 4 year old) likes to say. I was pleiades over on JS, so I got creative like my sister (forest3) and I am now pleiades2. I hope I learn to like it over here. As of right now I really don't like how it's set up but I'm sure there are positives to it...somewhere.